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Joel Osteen

Pastor’s Joel & Victoria Osteen

(Joel Can Be Heard 24 Hours Per Day On Sirius XM Channel 128)

Joel Also Can Be Seen And Heard On His Website

Lakewood Church – 3700 Southwest Freeway
Houston, Texas – Phone # 713-635-4154


Joel Would Like To Give “You An Opportunity” To Make Jesus The Lord Of Your Life

Would You Pray With Me – Just Say:

“Lord Jesus, I Repent Of My Sins.  Come Into My Heart, I Make You My Lord And Savior”.

“IF YOU Prayed This Simple Prayer” We Believe You Are Born Again (You Believe In Jesus).  Get Into A Good Bible Based Church & Keep GOD First Place.  He Will Take You Places You Never Dreamed Of….


Over 200+ Of Joel Osteen And Lakewood Church’s Extremely Wise Quotes

*  When Fear Knocks – Let “FAITH” Answer The Door

*  The Way GOD Does Things Always Requires “FAITH” 

*  Thankfulness And Praising – Gets God’s Attention

Don’t Magnify Your Problems – “Magnify GOD”

*  Always Thank God For His Goodness

*  Doubters Are A Dime A Dozen – –Always “Have Faith”

*  God Is Going To Bring Greatness Out Of A Great Mess (Our Lives) 

*  They Will Never Read The Bible – BUT THEY WILL “READ YOU” 

*  When Your Vision Is Limited – Your Life Is Limited 

*  When You Mix Your Faith With The Promises Of God – Then The Promises Start To Happen 

*  Compliments Are The Glue That Holds A Relationship Together

*  “Excuses” Are Going To Keep Us Right Where We Are 

*  If You Pray Bold Prayers – God Will Grant You Bold Requests

*  If You Can Do It On Your Own Ability – You Don’t Need God 

*  God Works “Where There Is Faith”

*  Nothing Will Happen Until You Believe (Faith) 

*  Your “FAITH” Allows God To Do Amazing Things

*  With Our Words We Are Prophesizing Our Future – What You Are Saying You Are Inviting In

*  I Am Going To Take The Talents That God Has Given Me And Make The Best Of It 

*  Your Words Become Your Reality – Words Are Like Seeds – You Reap From The Seeds You Sow 

*  The Act Of Obedience Is What Causes The Miracle – The Healing Is In The Obedience

*  Our Joy” Is Connected To Our Giving 

*  When God Designed You – He Took Into Consideration Everything That Would Happen To You In Your Life 

*  God Meets Us On The Level Of Our Expectations (FAITH) 

*  There Is Nothing You Can Do To Make God Love You More 

*  VICTORY Starts In Your Mind 

*  Yesterday’s Attitude Is Not Good Enough For Today – You Have To Chose A Good Attitude 

*  Whatever You Send Out – Always Comes Back To You (Speak Positive Words – Not Negative Words)  

*  God Specializes In Exceeding Our Expectations 

*  Job’s Situation (What satan Took Away In The Bible) Didn’t Change Until Job Changed His Attitude  — Then GOD Gave Job DOUBLE What satan Took Away

*  The Real Joy In Life Is NOT What We Get, But What We Give 

*  It’s The Simple Things In Life That Gives You The Most Joy 

*  Radical “FAITH” – Gets Radical “RESULTS” 

*  The More Honor You Show – The More Honor God Will Show You 


*  Don’t Be Snared By Your Words – Be Propelled By Your Words 

*  Find Promises In The Bible Of What You Are Believing For – AND Mix Your Faith With It 

*  You Can Go Farther With Ordinary Talent “IF” It Has The Anointing Of God, Than Someone With Exceptional Talent And NOT The Anointing Of God

*  You Will Never Have Prosperity – If You Don’t Have Integrity First

*  Our Churches Should NOT Be Museums For Perfect People – But Hospitals For Sick People

*  You Don’t Have To Figure It Out – “JUST HAVE FAITH”

*  If You Do What You Can – GOD Will Do What You Can’t 

*  What Begging Jesus Couldn’t Do For Her, Getting On Her Knees And Worshipping Jesus Did, And Jesus Healed The Ladies Daughter Of Demon Possession (A Gentile Lady Shows Her Faith)  Matthew 15:22-28

*  When You Are A Miracle For Someone Else – God Will Use That Miracle As A Seed For Your Miracle 

*  Nothing Brings You Closer To God – “Than When You Help Hurting People” – – Paul Osteen (Pastor Joel Osteen’s Brother)

*  Life is NOT Always Fair – BUT GOD IS FAIR!  

*  You Will Move Toward That Image You Have In Your Mind 

*  God Is NOT Activated By Needs – God Is Activated By Our Faith

*  Being Good To People Is Contagious 

*  Your Imagination Has Incredible Power 

*  Hold Onto Hope

*  Keep Moving Forward And You Will See The Goodness Of God 

*  VICTORY Starts In Your Thinking 

*  On The Way To Your Miracle There Will Be Plenty Of Opportunities To Talk Yourself Out Of It

*  You Can’t Reach Your Potential Without Problems 

*  With God All Things Are Possible

When You Have Great Faith – You Will SEE THE GREATNESS OF GOD  

*  You May Have A Negative Past – BUT You Don’t Have A Negative Future 

*  When You Make God Bigger – Your Problems Get Smaller 

*  When We Pray We Take Things Out Of Our Hands And Give Them To God – – Pastor Paul Osteen (Joel Osteen’s Brother At Lakewood Church In Houston, TX )

*  When You Give (Donate) More – You Enlarge Your World – – Proverbs 11:24-25 Pastor Nick Nilson (At Lakewood Church) 

*  If You Give God Just A Little Bit Of Faith – See What God Can Do With It

*  The Forces That Are For You – Are Greater Than The Forces Against You 

*  BIG Problems Mean BIG FAVOR FROM GOD ! 

*  Trust God In The Trouble NOW –  When You Get Out Of The Trouble –  Help Me To Believe (Overcome My Unbelief)

*  ALL Things Work Together For Your Good (Romans 8:28) 

*  The Size Of Your Problem Is An Indication Of The Size Of Your Future  

*  Your Race Is Made Up Of 1 Person (YOU) – Don’t Get Distracted By Someone Else 

*  Healing Is In The Obedience And Humility 

*  No Matter How Much Jesus You Have In Your Life – You Can’t Break Spiritual Laws And Be Blessed

*  We Grow In The Difficult Times – When You Have To Stretch Your Faith

*  God Wants To Make You A Blessing To Show Off In Your Life 

*  You Can’t Help Everybody – But You Can Help Somebody

*  If You Want Happiness For Life – Be Good To People

*  You May Have Failed – But You Are Not A Failure

*  God Will Test You With The Small Things – To Find Out If HE (GOD) Can Trust You With Big Things

*  The Enemy Fights You The Hardest – When You Are Closest To Victory

Nothing Happens Until You Speak It – Declare It – Say It – Make Some Declarations Of Faith

*  You Don’t Have To Seek After People – – SEEK AFTER GOD

*  God Knows With Our Mouth We Are Prophesying Our Future

*  God Didn’t Create You To Be Overcome – He Created You To Be An Overcomer

*  The Closest Thing To God’s Heart Is Helping Hurting People 

*  Each Day Brings New Opportunities To Receive God’s Best For Your Life

*  When God Is Fighting Your Battles – Things Happen That Don’t Make Sense

*  You Have To Thank God When It Doesn’t Work Out – That Is What Faith Is All About

*  God Never Promises You Smooth Sailing – But He Promises You A Safe Landing

*  That Difficulty Was Not Sent To Defeat You – It Was Sent To Promote You

*  On The Way To The Big Things God Has In Store – He Will Test You With The Small Things

*  You Can Release The Negativity That Weighs You Down – And Be Filled With Blessing

*  You Have To Release The Miracle – It’s In Your Mouth (Speak It And Believe It)

*  There Is Nothing More Important Than What You Think About Yourself (Except God)

*  God’s Going To Ask You – What Did You Do With The Life I Gave You

*  When You Honor God – God Will Always Honor You

*  Take The Limits Off Of God – He Will Take You Places You Never Dreamed Of

*  FAITH Is What Causes God To Move..

*  We Grow When We Have To Stretch Our Faith

*  If You Use What God Has Given You – He Will Give You More

*  You Can’t Stay Down And Defeated As Long As You Are Thinking About The Goodness Of God

*  You’re Never More Like God Than When You Give 

Your Character Is What Will Take You Higher – And Keep You There

*  The Seed You Sow Will Come Back To You In Jesus Name

*  What You Do In Private – Will Determine How High God Will Take You

Meekness Is Strength Under Control

*  The Closed Doors (By God) Are Just Important As The Open Doors From God 

*  One Touch Of God’s Favor Will Take You 50 Years Down The Road

*  That Difficulty Is Not There To Stop You – It’s There To Promote You

*  God Has No Problem With People Who Have Money – As Long As Money Doesn’t Have You

*  Your Expectancy Causes The Creator Of The Universe (God) To Do Miracles In Your Life

*  Complaining Doesn’t Get God’s Attention – God Doesn’t Answer Complaints

*  Empty Out The Negative – Make Room For More Joy, Greater Confidence, And New Levels Of Influence

*  Every One Of Us Needs A Personal Growth Plan

*  The NO’S  Are A Test – God Wants To See How Bad You Want It

The Enemy (satan) Will Try To Plant Lies In You – To Affect Your Mind

*  When You Put God First- He Will Take Care Of You

Don’t Take Your Problems To God – Take Your Praises To God

*  Don’t Let Messed Up People Ruin The Rest Of Your Life

*  God Is Only Limited By Our Thinking – Dare To Believe

*  The Economy Is NOT Our Source – God Is Our Source

Praise – Will Give Us The Victory

*  Prayer – Is Just Talking To God

*  When You Believe Big – You Please God

*  If You Don’t Innovate – You Will Evaporate

God’s Word Is Like A Seed – It’s Always Inside You

*  You Have To Stay Open To Change

*  Messed Up People Can Mess You Up

*  Every Husband Should Forget His Mistakes – It Makes No Sense For Both People To Remember Them

*  You Always Have The Greatest Difficulty Before You Get The Stored Up Blessing

God Has It All Figured Out – You Can Relax

*  How We Approach Our Difficulties Makes All The Difference In The World – Whether You Will Get Through It 

Faith” Says You Have To Believe It – Before You See It

*  Don’t Consider Your Circumstances – Consider Your God

*  Before You Get Out Of The Trouble – You Have To Invite GOD Into The Situation To Change Things

*  When You Brag On The Goodness Of God, He Will Do Amazing Things For You

*  God Determines How High You Go 

*  God Is About Households And Families 

*  God Can Quickly Change Things – God Is A Supernatural God

*  The Only Way You Are Going To Get Thru It – Is With God – – Pastor Victoria Osteen

*  There Is Nothing More Powerful Than A Made Up Mind – – Pastor Victoria Osteen

*  When You Speak – You Are Prophesying Your Future – – Pastor Victoria Osteen

*  Even Though Life Isn’t Fair – GOD IS FAIR

*  We Are Never Going To Change The Things That Happen To Us – We Have To Change The Way We Handle It 

*  God Didn’t Bring You This Far To Leave You – Don’t Settle For Mediocrity – Go For Greatness

*  You Don’t Have To Go After The Blessing – Go After God

Nothing That Happens To You – Is A Surprise To God

*  We Can Fool A Lot Of People – But We Can’t Fool God

FAITH” Is What Gets God’s Attention

We Don’t Preach The Gospel SAD – We Preach It GLAD – – Dodie Osteen (Pastor Joel’s Mother – Healed Of Terminal Cancer Over 40 Years Ago)

*  There Is Nothing More Powerful Than Your “Faith”

*  God Has Levels Of Blessings In Your Future That Will Amaze You 

You Do The Right Thing When No One Is Looking

*  Do Something Good For Someone When You Are In The Valley

*  Don’t Go Thru Today Reliving Your Failures

*  God Won’t Let You Get Into A Problem He Couldn’t Get You Out Of 

*  Don’t Get Weary On Well Doing

*  God Will Open Doors No One Can Shut

*  Because You Honor God – Even Your Enemies Will Be At Peace With You

*  If You Are Spending Time With The Wrong Person – You Will Never Meet The Right Person

*  It Takes Just As Much Energy To Be Negative – As It Takes To Be Positive

*  God Is My Strong Tower And I Can Always Run To Him And Be Safe – – Lisa Osteen Comes (Joel Osteen’s Sister)

*  Chains Are Broken When You Praise And Worship God – – Lisa Osteen Comes (Joel Osteen’s Sister)

*  If You Are Going To Succeed – You Have To Go Against The Grain

The More “Honor” You Show God – The More God Will “Honor” You

*   Don’t Pray Small Prayers – That Sets The Limit 

*  If You Want God To Reign – You Have To Keep Him On The Throne – God Is Bigger Than Any Problem You Are Facing

*  God Is The Master Gardner

*  People Perish “IF” They Don’t Know The Word Of God – – Dodie Osteen (Pastor Joel’s Mother – Healed Of Terminal Cancer Over 40 Years Ago) 

*  People Don’t Determine Your Future – God Does

*  You Can’t Speak Negative Words And Live A Positive Life

*  You Wouldn’t Be Alive Unless God Had Something Amazing For You

*  If You Work With God – You Will Come Out Better

*  When You Give Happiness – You Receive Happiness

*  God Never Gives Up On You

*  Committed People Stick Out The Relationship 

*  You May Be In A Tough Problem – Don’t Magnify Your Problem “Magnify God”

God Chose You Before You Could Choose Him – – (Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I Formed You In The Womb I Knew You . . .)

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Permission – Eleanor Roosevelt (Re-Told By Joel Osteen)

God Is NOT Going To Do For You What You Can Do For Yourself

*  God Is Your Gardener – He Only Prunes You To Bear More Fruit

*  Sometime God Shuts A Door To Force Us Into Something

When You Ask Big – It Causes The Creator Of The Universe (God) To Respond

God Is Going To Take You Places You Could Not Go

*  Keep Looking For Opportunities To Good To Others

Limited Thinking Will Cause You To Live A Limited Life.  You Were Never Made To Live A Small Life

When Life Counts You Out – God Counts You In

God’s Power Shows Up Greatest In Our Weakness

If You Don’t Set The Tone For The Day – Negative Thoughts Will Start Coming In 

*  God Wouldn’t Let That Bad Break Happen If It Was Going To Change You To Lose Your Destiny

*  Being Common Doesn’t Get God’s Attention

Faithful In The Routine Is What Prepares You Now – For The Future Thing God Has Prepared For You

*  If You Do What You Can – God Will Do What You Can’t

*  If You Stay In FAITH – God Will Make Things Happen That You Can’t Make Happen

*  Nothing You Have Done Is Too Much For The Mercy Of God 

*  God Did Not Create You To Be Common

God Knows How To Take Your Mess – And Make It Your Message

*  God Healed My Mother (Dodie) Of Cancer – I Know God Can Heal You Too

You Are What God Says About You – You Are Not What You Feel

God Can Quickly Change Things – God Is A Supernatural God

You Can’t Pretend And Have God’s Blessing – Ask God’s Forgiveness

*  Don’t Take Our Problem To God – Take Our Praise To God

God Has Mercy For Every Mistake You Made

*  Life Is Too Short To Hang Around People Who Are Not Going Anywhere

*  Life Is Too Short To Go Around With Negative Baggage 

*  Promotion Doesn’t Come From Man – Promotion Comes From God

*  Everyone Around Me May Be Common – But I Am Not Going To Lower My Standards

Everybody Is Struggling With Something

*  Quit Focusing On Yourself

*  God’s Mercies Are Never Going To Give Up On You

Obedience Is Always Followed By A Blessing

Don’t Run Away From The Process – The Process Is Part Of The Promotion – You Have To Be Willing To Go Through The Process

*  Don’t Let The Facts Confuse You On The Way It’s Gonna Be – God Is In Control

*  When You Choose Faith Over Fear – God Will Take You Places You Never Dreamed

Keep Doing The Right Thing – When It’s Hard

*  If You Want God To Be A Barrier Breaker — You Have To Get Rid Of The Excuses 

*  God Will Pay You Back For Staying Committed

Part Of Faith Is Stepping Into The Unknown

Overcome The Pressures Of Life – Keep On Singing and Making Melody Under Your Breath – God Replenishes Your Joy

God’s Dream For Your Life – Is So Much Bigger Than Your Dream For Your Life

God Wants To LEAD US – He Does Not Want To DRAG US

*  God Has Planned Every Detail Of Your Life, a Detailed God, A Precise God

*  Stay In Faith – And God Will Bless You

*  Many Times The Answer To Your Prayers Is In Helping Someone Else

*  The Key Is What We Do In Our Times Of Pain

*  YOU Are Too Blessed To Angry Or Mad

God Is A Progressive God – Don’t Get Stuck In The Past

God Doesn’t Define Us By Our Mistakes – He REFINES Us By Our Mistakes

YOU Control The Doorway To Your Heart

Your Test Will Become Your Testimony

*  It Takes Courage To NOT Be Like Everyone Else

*  Don’t Play Games With Negative Baggage — Get Rid Of It

Where There Is Unity – There Is A Commanded Blessing On Your Life (Psalm 133:1-3)

*  God Took My Mistake And Made It Into A Miracle

*  God Uses The Delay – The Setback – To Prepare Us 

I‘d Rather Have Peace Than Be Right

*  You Are NOT Supposed To Engage In Every Battle

*  There Is No Testimony Without A Test – Said By A Guest Pastor On Joel Osteen Radio Program

Additional Resources Of Christian Wisdom